Course Outline
What is Communication
- Communication styles
- Communication flow
- Framing conversations
- Non-verbal communication Definitions & principles
- Written communication
- Telephone skills
Exercise/Case Study
Understanding Communication
- What makes a successful communicator
- The qualities of a successful communicator
- Defining persuasion and influence
- Self- belief, confidence & assertiveness
- Push and pull styles
- Framing communication
Exercise/Case Study
Communication Style
- Choose from a range of communication styles depending upon the situation
- Learn to respond, rather than react
- Open, leading and closed questions
- The Funnel technique
- Understanding values
- Questioning techniques to understand values and build relationships
Exercise/Case Study
Overcoming resistance
- What causes resistance
- How to deal with resistance
- A practical guide using six steps
- Dealing with conflict
- Handling difficult situations without emotions
- Presenting your case with impact, taking the values of others into account
Exercise/Case Study
Poor Communication
- Examples and why does this happen so frequently
- The Ladder of Inference
- Top down, Bottom up or 360 degree
- Collaborative versus dictatorial
- Selecting the best style and understanding what makes this the “best”
Exercise/Case Study
Putting it all Together
- Feedback
- Questioning & Listening
- Asking powerful questions
- Getting the key message across
- Making effective requests
- Promises – blessing or curse?
- How to improve communication skills going forward
Exercise/Case Study
The Art & Skill of Persuasion
Understanding Persuasion
- What makes a successful persuader?
- The qualities of a successful persuader
- Influencing and persuading, not manipulation
- Defining persuasion and influence
- Principles of effective influencing
- Self- Belief, Confidence & Assertiveness
- What do we mean by push and pull styles of persuasion
- The psychology of persuasion – the basics
Preparing to persuade
- Building Trust
- “Mocking Bird” Theory
- Non verbal communication
- Building Trust and rapport
- Finding out what others want or need - listening and questioning
- Perception – how you perceive situations and how others may perceive you
Explore what others want
- Setting clear objectives on the scope of selling you wish to embark on
- Effective questioning techniques
- Realise the values and motivations of others
- Hone your listening skills and overcome barriers to active listening
- The identification of individual ‘filters’ and how to overcome these
- The power of positive thought – preparing for the persuasion discussion
Communication Style
- Choose from a range of communication styles depending upon the situation
- Learn to respond, rather than react
- Open, leading and closed questions.
- The Funnel questioning technique.
- Understanding values and how to persuade around these
- Questioning techniques to understand values and build relationships
Overcome resistance
- Select one of the six levels of assertiveness, without compromising the values of others
- Apply a practical 6-step Influence Model
- Using FAB to match the needs gathered from customers
- Dealing with conflict – handling difficult situations without emotions
- Presenting your case with impact, taking the values of others into account
State your case persuasively
- Presenting at the right stage.
- Adopt strategies that work for you
- State your case assertively and convincingly.
- Knowing the audience
- Gathering the content
- The 10/80/10 rule for structuring the presentation
- Delivering a presentation
Handling Objections
- Identifying frequently encountered objections.
- The pre-emption of objections.
- Developing appropriate responses.
Negotiation Skills for Finance Professionals
- The Process of Negotiation
- Objectives in negotiation
- Communication Skills of the Effective Negotiator
- Assessing information
- Establishing the parameters
- What is the “win-win” outcome
Case Study/Discussion Point
The “Interests”
- Interests
- The difference between positions and interests
- Identifying and prioritising your interests
- Common mistakes when handling interests
- When is negotiation a good idea?
- The elements of an effective negotiation
Case Study/Discussion Point
The “Options”
- Generating and evaluating possible options
- Identifying your ideal outcome
- Common errors when generating options
Case Study/Discussion Point
Understanding Negotiation Outcomes
- Evaluate the options
- Where do you think it will end
- Is there a “win” or would a compromise be better
- Setting clear objectives
- Being prepared to lose when it makes sense
Case Study/Discussion Point
The Negotiating Process
- Making proposals and giving and receiving concessions
- Breaking Deadlock
- Agreeing a remedy
- Understanding the negotiator’s role
- Key stages of the process
- Giving information
- Reading signals
- Making a plan.
- Reviewing assumptions
- Working through the meeting/discussion process
- Probing in order to develop understanding
- Reaching agreement
Case Study/Discussion Point
- Different types of people
- Behavioural approaches & body language
- Deadlocks, Standstills & Concessions
- Tricks, Traps & Tactics
- When & Where to Negotiate – Electronic Media are not ideal
Live Practice
- Simultaions
- Debrief
Presentation Skills for Finance Professionals
The Essentials - The Presenter - You
- Carrying out the ‘essential checks’
- Presenting the ‘right’ image
- Using your words, tone and body language
- Working with the qualities of your voice
- Acknowledging and overcoming nerves
- Using relaxation techniques
- Using mannerisms and gestures to enhance impact
- The qualities of a successful presenter
The Essentials – The Material – What Are You Going to Say
- Performing a needs analysis
- Writing the basic outline
- Researching, writing and editing
- Establishing a clear purpose
- Using successful information gathering techniques
- Choosing the best route through your material
- Identifying the key points
- Creating strong openings and closings
- Knowing the pros and cons of different visual aids
- Making it big, bold and brilliant
The Essentials – The Audience – Who Will You be Saying it To
- Knowing your audience to develop presentations that appeal
- Building rapport
- Getting and keeping them on your side
- Working with questions
- Handling difficult people
- Understanding group dynamics
Next Step – Delivery Methods
- Basic methods
- Advanced methods
- Basic criteria to consider
- Choose from a range of communication styles depending upon the situation
- Listening and Hearing: They aren't the same thing
- Asking questions
- Communicating with power
Next Step – Communication Skills
- What do we mean by Communication
- Preparing mentally
- Physical relaxation techniques
- Appearing confident in front of the crowd
- Non-Verbal Communication Skills
- Body language
- The signals you send to others
- It's not WHAT you say, It's HOW you say it
- Presenting your case with impact,
Perfecting your skills
- Make them laugh a little
- Ask them a question
- Encouraging discussion
- Dealing with questions
- Creating Fantastic Flip Charts
- Creating Compelling PowerPoint Presentations
- WOW your Audience
- Vibrant Videos and Amazing Audio
What is Mediation
- Textbook definition
- Mediation in practice
- Good and bad mediation
- A SWOT analysis
- The goals of mediation
- Reaching a compromise
- WinWin – is this always possible
- Plugging the gap between avoidance and formal action
Exercise/Case Study
Understanding Mediation
- The principles of Mediation
- What can it achieve.
- When is it appropriate
- Is there ever a time when mediation is inappropriate
- Taking a strategic approach
- Alternative dispute resolution practices
- HR Policies: help or hindrance in conflict situations
Exercise/Case Study
Preparing for Mediation
- Essential skills.
- Critical discussions
- Understanding why people behave the way they do in conflict
- What are the issues
- Is there a compromise
- Least worst outcome
- Setting the parameters
Exercise/Case Study
- Structuring the process
- Creating a “safe” environment
- Building rapport and trust
- Maintaining impartiality
- Assist with the win-win
- Dealing with destructive conflict
- Dealing with deadlock
- Engaging resistant people in a constructive manner
- Closing the mediation
- Confirming the outcome
- Selecting alternatives
- Follow up and review mechanisms
Exercise/Case Study
Delivery Options
Private Group Training
Our identity is rooted in delivering exactly what our clients need.
- Pre-course call with your trainer
- Customisation of the learning experience to achieve your goals -
- Bespoke outlines
- Practical hands-on exercises containing data / scenarios recognisable to the learners
- Training scheduled on a date of your choice
- Delivered online, onsite/classroom or hybrid by experts sharing real world experience
Private Group Prices RRP from €11400 online delivery, based on a group of 2 delegates, €3600 per additional delegate (excludes any certification / exam costs). We recommend a maximum group size of 12 for most learning events.
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Testimonials (3)
The excercises were really fun
Jakub - AXA XL
Course - Business Communication Skills
Charisma of trainer and knowledge.
Bartosz - AXA XL
Course - Business Communication Skills
Open atmosphere without judgment