NobleProg UK launches Next Gen Training


Owner / Director Ben Jenkins: 

'Social mobility is a term I wasn’t aware of when growing up. All I knew was that I wasn’t going to let a careers survey tell me I couldn’t be a barrister (but that’s a whole different post). State educated and the first in my family to attend university I can certainly attest to the fact there are some career ambitions which are incredibly daunting and seemingly impenetrable. 

The biggest danger to social mobility, on an individual level, is that the drive to achieve is extinguished, however quickly or drawn out, by a feeling of hopelessness. That, ultimately, the dream is unattainable and without the advantage of connections and opportunities, which only seem to befall the privileged, we lose hope. Undoubtedly social mobility requires a huge injection of belief, confidence and reinforcement of ambition. And this must be repeated over and over again - you can and you will. The lack of this, in many ways, defines the social differences which require the need for a focus on social mobility. In other words the sense of actually being ‘entitled’ to these careers and success generally as against a self defeating fear of the seemingly impossible, and doors that just aren’t open to all of us. But they should be. 

First we must provide an environment where ambition can take root. I’ve been a school Governor for 13 years and the Chair for nearly 4 and it’s clear that inspiring young people is the first step to social mobility. Let them see the possibilities and fiercely guard against any negative assumptions or bias which may sow seeds of any sense of inferiority. Once they have the aspiration and they bring the hard work we have to make sure they have a fair chance to succeed. 

At the Bar, in my previous professional life, for many years I held the role of being responsible in Chambers for mini pupillage (work experience for those seeking a career at the Bar). I was able to give young (and more mature) aspiring barristers an opportunity to see the profession, learn valuable lessons and contribute to the ambition that the Bar should not be the domain of the privileged few but is stronger in diversity. Being aware of how we can support social mobility so that everyone has a fair chance to succeed in their ambitions is crucial when you hold such positions. It’s crucial to a well functioning society. 

In 2019 I choose to leave the Bar to lead NobleProg UK. As gatekeepers of some of the most exciting knowledge and skills the world has ever experienced - AI, LLMs, Edge Computing - we now share the responsibility for ensuring that a new divide does not emerge. As new opportunities are created by the potential of bleeding edge technology, the risk is that these opportunities are only visible to the few. 

At NobleProg U.K. we are launching a series of free, advanced technology learning events to be delivered to young people most in need. The hope? To give groups of young people an insight into the capabilities of these technologies, to ignite an interest. First we have to capture their attention and then they can formulate the ambition.' 


The first three sessions will be:  

  • SQL Powers the World - a 3 hour live, instructor led online learning event. 
  • AI: Harnessing the Power of People and Machine - a 2.5 hour live, instructor led online learning event.
  • Hacking Awareness for the Next Generation - a 2.5 hour live, instructor led online learning event. 


These events will be delivered by NobleProg's internationally respected expert trainers.


NobleProg links with the Care Leaver Covenant 


Care Leavers Wanted - Care Leaver Covenant


NobleProg is proud to be working with the Care Leaver Covenant to deliver the Care Leaver's Learning Project, part of Next Gen Training.

The Care Leaver Covenant is a national inclusion programme that supports care leavers aged 16-25 to live independently.
"We create meaningful opportunities for care leavers in five key areas and support care leavers to access those opportunities."
The Five Areas
01. Independent Living
02. Education, Employment & Training
03. Safety & Security
04. Mental & Physical Health
05. Finance

The programme is funded by the Dept. of Education.


NobleProg is a signatory to the Covenant's Statement of Intent and the Care Leaver Friendly Employer Charter.


Our Mission:

We are excited to offer free bespoke courses specifically designed for young people, starting with Hacking Awareness; Cyber Safety. Our aim is to help you build essential skills for a bright future. Whether you’re interested in technology, management, or cybersecurity, our training programs can open your eyes to exciting career opportunities.

The courses will be delivered online and led by industry experts who are passionate about your success. You will gain skills that are in high demand by employers everywhere. At NobleProg, it’s not just about learning; it’s about empowering you to take control of your future, boost your confidence, and reach your potential. Let’s unlock your future together!

The first sessions commence in November 2024 - Hacking Awareness: Cyber Safety. Delivered as 3 live online sessions (90 mins each)


 Session 1: Enter the Cyber World
 Session 2: Unveiling the Hidden Threats
 Session 3: Building Your Cyber Shield


Contact us to hear more about NobleProg's the Care Leaver's Learning Project or Next Gen Training.

If you want to learn more about the Care Leaver Covenant and how you / your organisation can get involved to help with the aim of supporting young people from care to independence please contact the CLC via this link or email them


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